Do You Have the Courage to Give Up on Your Goals?? I DID.
I don’t know about you, but every year in late December, early January I ask myself the same questions. What goals do I want to accomplish this year? As someone diagnosed with anxiety, the thought of having a timeline on when I have to accomplish something can sometimes bring on a panic attack--this is why I no longer have goals. That’s right…I’m throwing in the towel. No more goals…only THEMES. My theme this year is:
Be calm. Be curious. Be happy.
2018 pretty much kicked my butt and honestly I’m mentally exhausted. I don’t want to stress myself over having to accomplish goals, especially goals that to an extent I don’t have any control over; i.e. being hired by my dream company(I can’t MAKE them hire me). So, I decided to pick a theme for the new year.
I think my theme is perfect for me. I want to stay calm because when I am stressed, I get nothing productive done. I want to stay curious, especially within my industry because that keeps me excited to learn new things and gain more skills. I want to be happy because…well, why not? Life is too short to not be happy. I understand that those of us with mental health issues can’t just turn our happiness meters on and off but rather making a conscious effort to focus on creating happiness in your life…whatever that may look like for you. Maybe, happy for you is gaining at least one new freelance client this year or simply taking a bath at least once a week.
So what’s your theme for 2019?